Bad company
Once there was a rich man. He had only one son. His name was Ravinder. He was a very good boy. He worked very hard. He always stood first in his class. The father loved him dearly. He was proud of him.
But the boy fell into a bad company. He becomes careless. He began to run away from school. The father was very sad. He tried to mend his ways, but in vain.
At last, he hit upon a plan one day he brought some good apples. he also brought a rotten apple he asked Ravinder to put all the apple in a basket.
Next day, he asked his sons to bring the apples the son was surprised to see that all the apples were rotten.
At this, the father said, "my dear son you have seen the result of the bad company. One rotten apple has spoiled all." Ravinder learnt is a lesson. He gave up the bad company. He becomes a good boy again.
Moral:- Better alone than in a bad company or Keep away from bad company
My Advice:- always join a talented group of people and choose your friend carefully because people and our friends play a very important role in our life.
Two friends and the bear
Once there lived two friends in a village their names were Mohan and Soman. they were poor one day they set out on an interminable journey.
They promised to help each other in time of need. They passed through a forest. They saw a bear. It was coming towards.
They were afraid of it Mohan was selfish. He at once climbed of a tree. Sohan asked him for help but he did not care for him. Sohan did not know how to climb up a tree.
He was in a fix. His life was in danger. He hit upon a plan. He lay down on the ground and held his breath. The beer came and sniffed him. He took him for dead and went away.
Mohan got down the tree. He asked Sohan "what did the bear say in your ear" Sohan replied that he had advised him to
beware of a selfish friend like Mohan
Moral:- Beware selfish friend or a friend in need is a friend is in need
My advice:- a loyal friend is who help us in our terrible time, not that who leave us in our hard time this how we can check our friends.
written by ---------------------smit
Nice! moral story